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- Oxalic Acid can be found at market...
Can not find quality metal hardware cloth anywhere in the Philippines that is of suitable quality. No. 8 ( 8 squares in a linear inch ) ha...
Was talking to my Father and he mentioned that someone had made the "discovery" that comb cells start off round. I had never thoug...
Oxalic acid is natural and safe but bad in high quantities. Like looking into the sun. Sunshine is necessary but too much will "mess y...
Philippines does not need Hoffman frames. If you are lazy these will be for you. Hoffman frames help space out the frames by having a wider ...
Fruit is designed to be eaten by animals as a means of dispersing seeds. The sweetness of fruit is designed to encourage animals to tak...
As the Philippines seems to be following the US standard it is important to follow exactly the dimensions. of the USA frame and boxes. There...
Open-air-nesting honey bees Apis dorsata and Apis laboriosa differ from the cavity-nesting Apis mellifera and Apis cerana in brood hygiene ...
In the tropics the sun comes up fast and goes straight down after passing directly overhead. In the US and New Zealand the sun is always to ...
Philippines does not need Hoffman frames. If you are lazy these will be for you. Hoffman frames help space out the frames by having a wider ...
Was talking to my Father and he mentioned that someone had made the "discovery" that comb cells start off round. I had never thoug...
Can not find quality metal hardware cloth anywhere in the Philippines that is of suitable quality. No. 8 ( 8 squares in a linear inch ) ha...
Philippine bee keepers need to beware of "over engineering" and keep to basic Langstroth principles in my opinion. Foundation is b...
As the Philippines seems to be following the US standard it is important to follow exactly the dimensions. of the USA frame and boxes. There...
Always thought the Mango trees I see everywhere would be a wonderful opportunity for my Philippines Jungle Mellifera but was not to be. Su...
Seeley pointed out that each year a bee hive generally collects 200+ pounds of nectar, 50+ pounds of pollen, 1-2 pounds of propolis, and 50+...
Bees in the Wild Dr. Seeley’s ...